Worship services every Sunday at 9:30 am
Prepare for Sunday worship with morning prayers at 9:00 am each Sunday
Schedule from January 20th until February 18th
Tuesday, January 21st
a) 3rd Hour prayers at 9:40 am
b) Parish book study at 10:00 am
a) Great Vespers at 6:00 pm
Sunday, January 26th, 15th Sunday of Luke
a) Orthros at 9:00 am
b) Divine Liturgy at 9:30 am
c) Sunday School for the Youth following Holy Communion
d) Fellowship hour following the Divine Liturgy
Tuesday, January 28th,
a) 3rd Hour prayers at 9:40 am
b) Parish book study at 10:00 am
Wednesday, January 29th
a) Great Vespers for the Three Hierarchs at 6:00 pm
Thursday, January 30th, The Three Hierarchs
a) Divine Liturgy at 9:30 am
Saturday, February, 1st
a) Great Vespers at 6:00 pm
Sunday, February 2nd, The Presentation of our Lord in the Temple
a) Orthros at 9:00 am
b) Divine Liturgy at 9:30 am
c) Sunday School for the Youth following Holy Communion
d) Fellowship Hour following the Divine Liturgy
Tuesday, February 4th
a) 3rd Hour prayers at 9:40 am
b) Parish book study at 10:00 am
Saturday, February 8th, Triodion Begins
a) Great Vespers at 6:00 pm
Sunday, February 9th, The Sunday of the Publican and the Pharisee
a) Orthros at 9:00 am
b) Divine Liturgy at 9:30 am
c) Sunday School for the Youth following Holy Communion
d)Fellowship hour following the Divine Liturgy
Tuesday, February 11th
a) 3rd Hour prayers at 9:40 am
b) Parish book study at 10:00 am
Wednesday, February 12th
a) Parish Council Meeting at 5:45pm
Saturday, February 15th,
a) Great Vespers at 6:00 pm
Sunday, February 16th, The Sunday of the Prodigal Son
a) Orthros at 9:00 am
b) Divine Liturgy at 9:30 am
c) Sunday School for the Youth following Holy Communion
d) Fellowship hour following the Divine Liturgy
Tuesday, February 18th,
a) 3rd Hour prayers at 9:40 am
b) Parish book study at 10:00 am
Lady full of grace, rejoice, O Virgin Theotokos, for Christ our God, the Sun of righteousness has risen from you and He illumined those in darkness.
And you, righteous Elder, be glad in heart, receiving in your embraces the One who liberates our souls and bestows on us the Resurrection