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Blessing of Homes and Businesses for Theophany

In a prominent place, set an icon, a bowl of water, a lit oil lamp or candle, the Great Holy Water bottle from church, and some basil or greenery branches. You can also set a lit censer with incense, and a blessing cross if you have them.

Then begin reading: In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen. Holy God, Holy Mighty, Holy Immortal, have mercy on us (3). Glory to the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, now and forever and to the ages of ages. Amen. All holy Trinity, have mercy on us. Lord, forgive our sins. Master, pardon our transgressions. Holy One, visit and heal our infirmities for your name's sake. Lord, have mercy. Lord, have mercy. Lord, have mercy. Glory to the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, now and forever and to the ages of ages. Amen. Our Father, who art in heaven, hallowed be Thy name. Thy kingdom come, Thy will be done, on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread; and forgive us our trespasses, as we forgive those who trespass against us. And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil. Amen. Bow down Your ear and listen to us, O Lord, Who deigned to be baptized in the river Jordan, and there sanctified the water. Bless us all who by the bowing of our heads do show forth our apprehension that we are Your servants. Grant that we may be filled with Your sanctification through the partaking of this water, and let it be for us, O Lord, for the health of soul and body. For You are the sanctification of our souls and bodies, and to You do we send up all glory: to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit, both now and ever, and to the ages of ages. Amen.

Now pour into the bowl of water some of the Great Holy Water from church while singing the Troparion of Theophany  If you have them, you may also now take the venerable Cross with the basil and dip it in the Water three times making 

the sign of the cross singing

As You were baptized in the Jordan, O Lord, then the worship of the Trinity became manifest, for the voice of the Father bore witness to You, naming You the Beloved Son; and the Spirit, in the form of a dove, confirmed the certainty of the word. O Christ God, who appeared and illumined the world, glory to You To listen-

Repeat this hymn as often as necessary as you take the bowl and sprinkle the Great Holy Water using the basil around your entire home or business for blessing. Then return to your starting place and conclude by saying

Through the prayers of our holy Fathers, Lord Jesus Christ, our God, have mercy on us and save us. Amen. 


The Great Feast of Theophany
Dear faithful of the Holy Transfiguration parish,
May the Blessings of our Lord, who for our salvation accepted baptism by the hands of John, descend upon you and your family now and throughout this new year.
Today we celebrate the great Feast of Theophany. This is the day that we remember the Baptism of Jesus in the River Jordan. It was after this event that our Lord began His ministry to the world so that all who believed in Him should receive eternal life.
It is called Theophany because on that day, when Jesus was baptized, for the first time in human history we received the full revelation of God. Faithful humans had up to that time received names which had revealed aspects of God or His relationship to His Creation. On the day Jesus was baptized, human beings received a unique revelation of who God is and how He exists. We see the One God in Trinity. The Three Persons of the One God, Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, are all there revealing Themselves as One and Three. Each Person is there performing one of Three unique tasks, but all are working as One in order to accomplish the salvation of the human race.
I wish to express my thanks to all of you who were able to help at the services or where there to pray with us as we celebrated the Royal Hours, the Divine Liturgy, or the two Great Blessings of the Waters. Through your prayers and participation we now have the blessed water necessary to bless our surroundings. The Great Blessing of the Waters is a service where the blessing of ALL Creation is the intention. In warmer climates the altar cross is thrown into the sea, a lake, or a river to bless it and eventually through its water to bless all of our Earth. In all climates, it is customary at this time of year for the priest to bless the homes and businesses of the Faithful.  
If you would like me to bless your homes or businesses this year I would be happy to do so. Because of COVID our Metropolis has issued guidelines for how a priest is to conduct the service. This year, I can bless our homes or businesses in the traditional manner, or I can bless just the outside of the structure if you are concerned over COVID. In cases where only the outside is blessed, the Metropolis has developed a small service that can be read by the faithful to bless the inside of the structure themselves with the blessed water from Theophany. I will attach this service to this email. If you would like me to come and bless your homes, please contact me by phone, email, or text so that we can set up an appropriate time. 
I look forward to worshipping with you all again this Sunday. Until then, I remain
Your servant in Christ,
Fr. Nichalas D. March




Several Covid-19 safety directives from the Metropolis are in effect until further notice.
A separate email will be sent out soon asking who wants to attend liturgy Aug. 2. The number may need to be limited due to social distancing directives. Please bear with the Parish Council as we work through this unprecedented time. All these precautions are being taken for your safety and the safety of other community members.
Please direct any and all questions to Kelli Sheehy, Parish Council president, (563) 424-0489 or
Signs have been posted throughout the church on health and safety measures. Please read and follow.
DIRECTIVES. Safety directives and other limitations follow. This is a lot to read through and embrace. Thank you for your understanding and cooperation.
MASKS. Everyone entering the church must wear a mask throughout the liturgy (Eucharist instructions are below.)
ENTER THE CHURCH by the southwest side door. LEAVE THE CHURCH by the west main door.
CANDLES. Parish Council members will light all candles for you. Tell the Parish Council member in the narthex what candles you want lit and where and put your money in the usual collection plate by the candle stand.
BE ON TIME. Please be on time. People who are late may be turned away due to safety directives.
VENERATION. No kissing of icons or the priest's hand.
NO SERVICE books or bulletins allowed.
PEW SEATING. Every other pew is roped off and cannot be used. Family members who live in the same household may sit together. All others must sit six feet apart from each other.
CHOIR. Stephanie Prohaski and Jane Reynolds will be the only people allowed in the choir loft at this time. Singing is one of the biggest spreaders of the virus so extra precautions are being taken for now. Other choir members and parishioners are encouraged to sing along from the pews.
ALTAR SERVERS: Only 1-2 for now. Lead altar server Shannon Hickman and Aaron Hickman are the only ones allowed.
EUCHARIST PROCEDURE (if you are not comfortable with taking the Eucharist at this time, please speak to Father Nichalas.)
The side aisles only are to be used (no going down the usual center aisle).
Pews will be dismissed one by one by a Parish Council member. Parishioners will go to the Eucharist via on the south side aisle with each person six feet apart.
REMOVE your mask. A Parish Council member will pump sanitizer into your hands. COMMUNE but do not touch or use the cloth. AFTER communing, a Parish Council member will offer you hand sanitizer. EXIT on the north side aisle and return to your pew with mask on. NO HOLY BREAD will be distributed after the Eucharist or following the service.
DISMISSAL.  At the end of liturgy, parishioners will be dismissed by rows, allowing six feet between people, exiting out the double doors.
PLEASE EXIT immediately through the west door. Any visiting must be done outside.
Parish Council members will members will sanitize the church after each service.
It has been a long journey to this time and we look forward to returning to some degree of normalcy in the life of our church.
In Christ’s love, your parish council,

Kelli Sheehy, president
Dale Snyder, vice president
Jane Reynolds, secretary
Nick Vlantes, treasurer

Morgan Bowman

John Pappas

Stephanie Prohaski

Kalliope Eaton

Nicholas Pappas




















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